Sunday, January 13, 2008

Prehab - Part II - Gain Muscle

Now that I had burned off some fat it was time to start adding some muscle. Adding muscle involved Chad Waterbury's patented high frequency training (HFT). The strategy behind HFT is to frequently train muscles that you want to grow, frequently = 4-5x per week. I liked the Waterbury program as it had lots of functional lifts that worked many body parts.

Day 1 - 6x3, heavy, 60s rest, alternating
Chin-ups & Front squats
DB Romanian Deadlift & Dips

Day 2 - 3x16, light, 90s rest, alternating
Push-ups (hands on bosu ball) & good mornings
Row with palms-up & Step-ups

Day 3 - 5 x 8, medium, 60s rest, alternating
wide grip pulldown & reverse lunge
shoulder press & single leg deadlift

Day 4 - off

Day 5 - 6x3, heavy, 60s, alternating
Chin-ups & zercher squats
DB Romanian Deadflit & Dips

Day 6 - 3 x 16, light, 90s, alternating
push-ups & good mornings
rows & step-ups

Day 7 -off

Repeat for a total of 3 weeks

-same as phase I but add fruit at every meal
-add raisins into post workout meal to help upload creatine

-Protein before and after workout
-Add Branched Chain Amino Acids, 10g before and after workout
-Creatine 5g after workout
-Fish oil (5g)
-Greens+ (one scoop)

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