Having had ACL reconstructive surgery once before in my life, I know it is very serious. Its a lot of pain and a lot of hard work. In my view prehab is as crucial if not more so than rehab. Don't be scared of working out your ligament-less leg.
When I found out I was having reconstructive knee surgery I realized a few things:
1. My 2-3 nights a week of sports was over.
2. I was really lucky as I had very little swelling and pain and therefore could work out heavily.
I decided to start off with some fat loss before doing some muscle gain. I started reading t-nation frequently and decided on Chad Waterbury's 10-10 revolution. The 10-10 revolution is designed to help you lose 10lbs of fat and add 10lbs of muscle, hence the clever 10-10 name.
Phase I was a fat loss phase that lasted 3 weeks. I lost 7lbs in that 3 weeks, and in a hurry as well:
Day 1 - 8 x 3, circuit style, heavy, 30s rest
Day 2 - High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) - bike, 50 seconds slow, 10s all out, 18 min.
Day 3 - 5 x 8, circuit style, medium weight, 45s rest
shoulder press
DB Romanian Deadlift
Zercher Squats (look them up)
Day 4 - HIIT, bike, 50s slow, 10s all out, 18 min.
Day 5 - 4 x 15, circuit style, light weight, 60s rest
Good mornings
Inclined DB Bench Press
Reverse Lunge
Wide grip pulldown
Day6, 7 - Off
Repeat for 3 total weeks
Day 5 often left me ready to puke, it was the hardest day by far for me.
The diet was 3 meals and 3 snacks each day with a high protein, high fat macronutrient breakdown. Avg day was:
breakfast - eggs, grapefruit, celery, fish oil, greens+, coffee
snack one - cheese
lunch - chicken breast, broccoli,
snack two - handful of almonds and walnuts
dinner - salmon, broccoli
snack three - piece of chocolate or cottage cheese
Plus protein before and after workouts.
The end result, I lost 7lbs and at least a few inches off my waist.